Thursday 26 September 2013

Fun Fridays Challenge

Tomorrow we are making Chocolate Crackles. Mrs Shroff gave us a recipe for this earlier on this week and we had to work out 1/4 of all the ingredients. This was a little challenging but we managed to get there in the end when we worked together. I hope all of our measurements are correct otherwise the crackles may not turn out. Our fingers are crossed. Watch this space for our results :)

Thursday 5 September 2013

Maths Evening!

  Community Maths Night!
  Morningside School is inviting you to participate in our first Maths Home-School Partnership evening.  It is a way of bringing the community together to gain a better understanding of how you can help your child in Maths through games.  You do not have to be enrolled in, or associated with our school in any way!  Everyone is welcome, so share this flyer with friends and family who may be interested.This programme will develop your understanding of how children learn Maths, and provide you with practical games you can take away and play at home with your children.We will be teaching a variety of fun games. There will be some awesome spot prizes awarded just for attending.Free childcare facilities and nibbles are provided.

When: Tuesday 17th September
Where: Staff Room- Morningside School
Time: 5:30 pm
  Please R.S.V.P to the school office by Friday 13th September Phone: 4382021